Sunday, September 02, 2012

One does not simply "wish" for Lychee Wine,

it must be made.

I promise you, I cleaned that jar.  Inside and out.
What better use of 5lbs of lychee?

This is for a one gallon jug


5 pounds of lychee
5 cups of sugar (2 1/2 pounds)
Citric Acid (I used vitamin C)
Pectic Enzyme (unnecessary, but nice.  I'll explain below)
Hot Water to make a gallon
yeast - I used Fleischman's as it was all I had available.


  1. Peel and de-stone fruit
  2. Blend fruit to release some of the water
  3. Add sugar to your Primary Container, mine is that gallon jar.
  4. Add lychee pulp to sugar
  5. Add hot water to make a gallon
  6. Mix, shake or stir the bottle to dissolve the sugar
  7. Wait for everything to cool to room temperature
  8. Add yeast, pectic enzyme and citric acid
  9. Cover it a cloth or in any way that will allow the bottle to breath.
Let it ferment for the next 5 days, stirring it once a day.  After that it's on to secondary.


1.  I added Pectic enzyme because little bits of the seed (a major source of pectin) inevitability ends up in the flesh.  This will clear that up.

2.  In the future, I'll boil the lychee instead of blend or use less than 5 pounds.  If you look at the pictures above and below, you'll see that the fruit is all the way to the brim of the jar, this is a bad thing because it is blocking air from getting to the rest of the jar.  As a result for this batch, I'll be stirring twice daily.

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